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Welcome to Robert W. Morris & Company!

We welcome you into our family of clients and look forward to supporting you with unmatched expertise and support. If you have any questions about this exciting news and what it will mean for you, please contact Jessica 720-381-4546 or /

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will this change in ownership impact me?

A: Our goal is to make this transition as seamless as possible on you without disruption to the services to which you are accustomed. While we will have some opportunities to improve upon some of our systems and technology, we will ensure any changes are done methodically and with care - with the impact and benefit to you remaining our top priority.

Q: What do I stand to gain from the deal? What are the benefits to me?

A: We are now backed with even more experience and access to an expanded network of CPAs, EA, and accounting professionals with a thriving firm that has been growing over 40 years.

Q: Will service quality/policies change?

A: We are affiliating our firms in an effort to rely on our strong individual firm foundations while working with a common goal to improve overall customer offerings and services.

Q: Will the quote you gave me still be honored?

A: We will not be making any changes to our existing billing. Our billing practices will remain consistent with our previous practices.

Q: Will there be any staffing changes that might affect me?

A: OBI underwent some staffing and billing changes in August in anticipation of establishing our staffing and fee plan that would remain intact during this acquisition. We do not anticipate further changes.

Q: Who do I call if I have a problem or concern?

A: You can continue to contact us as you currently do now. Your usual point of contact will remain the same. But you can still feel free to reach out to Jessica or Rob as well.

Q: Can you tell me more about the acquiring company?

A: The acquirer is Robert W Morris & Company PC. You can learn more about them and their team here:

They have a robust virtual practice as well as brick and mortar locations in Pennsylvania and are excited to team up with OBI to expand their growing virtual practice.

Q: What is changing?

A: Name: We will now be operating under the name of Robert W Morris & Company PC.

Email: We will provide you with our updated information as we receive our new email addresses. Our existing emails will be operational for the foreseeable future.

Phone: No change. Our existing phone numbers will continue to function as before.

Address: We will provide you with our updated physical address shortly. The OBI team will still be working in the same remote/virtual environment as before.

Staff: OBI underwent some staffing and billing changes in August in anticipation of establishing our staffing and fee plan that would remain intact during this acquisition. We do not anticipate further changes. Holly, Rachael, Gina, Samantha, and Becca will all be retained at RWM.

Owner (Jessica): While Jessica will no longer own and operate OBI and OTL, she will also be joining us as a member of the RWM team. Jessica will be leaning on the RWM team to assist and take over a number of tax clients as the existing list has exceeded her capacity as the sole CPA on staff with OBI/OTL.


  • QBO will remain the same. If we currently pay for your subscription, that will continue now under RWM.

  • RightNetworks/QB Desktop: We will still be working directly with RightNetworks.

  • Payroll: This one we are extremely excited about! We will remain in the same system through Q3. Starting Q4 we will be utilizing a more robust payroll system that streamlines your involvement in the process and provides better processing capabilities. All for the same payroll price that we offer now.

  • Taxes: We will be moving a more robust tax preparation system. We will also have a new shared drive that will allow us to give you access to all of your tax documents in the same place that you can access payroll and bookkeeping documents.

  • Billing: Your billing will remain consistent. You will notice an updated name (RWM) on your accounting drafts vs OBI.